galatee kee aashanka ke bina example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 3 What we can safely say is that God is infinite, and that the spirit of man is bounded 2. A political priority: to conduct safely major institutional reforms, especially electoral reform, and if possible expand its majority by bringing in Father And an economic priority 3. Consequently, William, whose power is based on this new organization, can safely spend half his time in Normandy 4. First, it seeks to prevent employers resorting to replacement of staff whose intense unemployment could facilitate recruitment; this indirect struggle against the "yellow" immobilizes the equipment safely 5. Some authors like Montesquieu, citizens give the state part of their income in exchange for the guarantee of enjoying the rest safely

Given are the examples of hindi word galatee kee aashanka ke bina usage in english sentences. The examples of galatee kee aashanka ke bina are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., safely.

Since there are limited number of accounts type and are being expressed as numeric only, the data type of this field can be safely taken as Number/byte because the storage space taken by the data type Number/byte is minimum.

” “For how long?” “Until this wretched comet is safely out of the way.
It seemed as though for many years he had not been able to sleep as quietly and safely as here at Ramsjo.
But lo! somehow it passed on smoothly, leaving all obstacles safely behind.

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